Encaustic Painting

“Nobody can discover the world for somebody else. Only when we discover it for ourselves does it become common ground and a common bond and we cease to be alone.”
~Wendell Berry
Artist Statement
The creative process for me is an extension of life…a fluid record of the lived, relational interactions of my world. These experiences and encounters in life continually create a metamorphosis within my consciousness. My art always surprises me with a tangible, visual diary of these transformations.
Reclaimed materials are often used as compositional elements or embedded in my paintings. These lost or discarded materials are relics of our culture and the natural world. They are sometimes a springboard that jumpstart my creative process. These "found" objects invite me to breathe new life into them. Juxtaposing various materials creates this new metamorphosis in the story of my work.
I find myself thinking about human connections to place, both past and present. Travel has opened a window of appreciation and understanding of different cultures and beliefs. Art is a universal language and I try to use this language to connect to the heart and soul of others.

Artist Resumé and Exhibitions
MFA, Painting, University of Illinois at Chicago
BFA, Painting, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, IL
BA, Painting, Printmaking, Theology, Edgecliff College, Cincinnati, OH
Teacher and Department Chair, Ursuline Academy, Cincinnati, OH
Assistant Professor, Chatfield College, Saint Martin, OH
Instructor, The Communiversity Program, Division of Continuing Education, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati OH
Adjunct Drawing Instructor, Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights, KY
Teaching Assistantship, University of Illinois, Chicago, IL
New Work, Art@43023, Granville, OH
Six New Exhibitions, The Carnegie Visual and Performing Arts Center. KY
New Works, Malton Gallery, Cincinnati, OH
Beneath the Surface, Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights
Spiritual Dimensions, The Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption, Covington, KY
Recent Work, Malton Gallery, Cincinnati, OH
Sacred Spaces, Carnegie Art Center, Covington, KY
New Woman Juried Exhibition, Clifton Cultural Arts Center, Annex Gallery, Cincinnati, OH
Shifting Perspectives, Encaustic Art Institute, Santa Fe, NM
Global Warming is Real, 4th Annual, Encaustic Art Institute, Santa Fe, NM
Global Warming is Real, 3rd Annual, sThe Encaustic Art Institute, Santa Fe, NM
Visions, The Cathedral Basilica, Covington, KY
Homegrown, Ohio Woman’s Caucus for Art Exhibition, Aronoff Center for the Arts, Weston Gallery, Cincinnati, OH
Cincinnati Arts Festival, Aronoff Center for the Arts, Weston Gallery, Cincinnati, OH
Fifth Third Bank Art on the Square Juried Exhibition, Cincinnati, OH
Woman”s Caucus for Art #4 Annual Juried Exhibition, Bunte Gallery, Franklin University, Columbus, OH
The Conference of Cincinnati Woman Exhibitions, Carnegie Art Center, Covington, KY
Think Square 2, The Think Shop, Newport, KY
YUST Gallery, Cincinnati, OH
High School Art Educator Exhibition, Art Academy of Cincinnati, OH
Poetic Synthesis, Cathedral Basilica, Covington, KY
Artist Exchange Summer Show, YWCA, Cincinnati, OH
Parallel Visions, Studio San Gluseppe, Gallery, Cincinnati, OH
Sacred Spaces: Seen and Unseen, Machine Shop Gallery, Cincinnati, OH
Ancient Fragments: In a New Light, Woman Made Gallery, Chicago, IL
Inner Voices, Woman Made Gallery, Chicago, IL
Art on the Square Invitational, Cincinnati, OH
First Exhibition in Nashville, Folon & Rigsby
Rebinding: Psyche, Spirit, Soul, The Machine Shop Gallery, Cincinnati, OH
Rituals, Malton Gallery, Cincinnati, OH
Masks: Mystery, Myth, Metaphor, Malton Gallery, Cincinnati, OH
Artist Exchange, YWCA Gallery, OH
Carnegie Artists’ Retrospective, Carnegie Art Center, Covington, KY
Chicago Works on Paper-Abstracted, Wustum Museum of Fine Arts, Racine, WI
Remembrancer, Indian Hill Gallery, Cincinnati, OH
Think Square 3, Virtual Exhibition
Think Square 4, The Collab, Cincinnati, OH
Mind Gardens, Caza Sikes, Cincinnati, OH
The Box, Images Friedman Gallery, Louisville, KY
Born Catholic, Zahoric – Hughes Gallery, Cincinnati, OH
Found Object Invitational, Images Friedman Gallery, Louisville, KY
Visions International X, Covington, KY, Jurors Award
Visions VIII, Covington, KY, Jurors Award
Visions VII, Covington, KY, Jurors Award
Visions VI, Covington, KY, Jurors Award
Visions V, Covington, KY, Best of Show award
Visions III, Covington, KY, Best of Show
Visions II, Covington, KY, Juror’s Choice
Cincinnati Enquirer Review
City Beat Magazine Review
Antenna Magazine, Artist Profile
18th Annual Fine Arts Competition, Cincinnati, OH, Cash Award
Dialogue Magazine
Resurgence, Pittsburgh, PA, Best of Show,
Catalog, Chicago Works on Paper – Abstracted, published by Charles A. Wustum Museum of Fine Arts, Racine, WI
Charter Oaks Federal Savings, Cincinnati, OH
Cincinnati Bell Telephone, Cincinnati, OH
Hemmer Construction, Cincinnati, OH
Jergens, Cincinnati, OH
Mercy Hospital – Anderson, Cincinnati, OH
Misericordia North, Chicago, IL
Northwest Hospital, Chicago, IL
Procter and Gamble, Cincinnati, OH
Saks Fifth Avenue, Indianapolis, IN
Sencorp, Cincinnati, OH
World Com, Columbus, OH